We are all god but we are not god
The statement "We are all god but we are not god" is a complex and somewhat paradoxical one that can be interpreted in different ways, depending on one's worldview and beliefs.
On the one hand, the statement can be seen as a reflection of certain religious or spiritual traditions that emphasize the divine nature of humanity. In some Eastern religions, for example, the concept of "atman" or "brahman" suggests that each individual is an expression of the ultimate reality or divine consciousness, and that the goal of spiritual practice is to realize this truth and awaken to one's true nature as a divine being. From this perspective, the statement "We are all god" could be seen as an affirmation of this fundamental unity and interconnectedness of all things.
On the other hand, the statement "We are not god" could be seen as a reminder that, despite our inherent divinity or spiritual nature, we are also limited and imperfect beings who are subject to the laws of nature and the consequences of our actions. In other words, while we may share in the divine essence of the universe, we are not all-powerful, all-knowing, or immune to suffering, and we must still strive to grow, learn, and evolve as individuals.
Another way to interpret the statement is as a critique of certain religious or philosophical systems that posit a transcendent, all-powerful deity who is separate from and superior to human beings. From this perspective, the statement "We are all god" could be seen as a rejection of hierarchical or authoritarian notions of divinity, and a call to embrace a more egalitarian or humanistic view of spirituality.
Overall, the statement "We are all god but we are not god" is a complex and thought-provoking one that raises questions about the nature of divinity, human identity, and our relationship to the universe. Depending on one's perspective, it can be seen as a profound insight, a spiritual aspiration, or a philosophical challenge to traditional beliefs and assumptions.